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Astrology Exposed ( Original content, Unique )
Astrology is the gateway into the occult. The symbols used in this "art", are in the same Genre as the swastika, and the pentagram(sigils). I gotta point out that in bible symbolism, "stars" represent angels(Revelation 1:20 KJV). The five pointed star is symbolic of lucifer, a fallen angel, as are the stars in Astrology. ("thou shalt not make unto thee any LIKENESS of ANYTHING in the HEAVENS ABOVE") The stars represent false gods, aka idols. It is not the stars that are making things happen in your life, as Astrology tells you.. When you put your faith in Astrology, you are enabling demonic forces to work in your life, and it is THEY that are influencing you and your destiny. What astrology is really doing, is.. it is being used to CONTROL your life, and not give YOU more control over things. It's being used to herd you where the enemy wants you to be. The spirits divine to you a future that the enemy has planned, and not what God has in store for you. You must accept Gods destiny for your life, and not be herded by the enemy and his legion of servants.
Psalm 16:11 NIV You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.(blog)
I do believe that God has a plan for everyones life, and that perhaps each purpose is encoded into the blueprints of reality somewhere(I'll show you something very fascinating about this further down the blog. If you're familiar with my story, then you'll be extra mind blown.), but human beings and their quest for scientific understanding, and scientific manipulation of all things, is by definition satanic(satan-like), and can be traced back to the fruit of the tree of knowledge in the book of Genesis. I often share an episode of LED(Light Exposing Darkness), where they show how the Satanic temple actually is pro science, which proves what I said and that the church is being lied to and told that God is pro science. God is not pro-science. He said not to covet the knowledge and eat the fruit, and we disobeyed. Science is mans quest to be their own gods. Besides, if you want knowledge, seek God.
Daniel 2:28 "There is a God in heaven who reveals secrets"
Astrology symbols fall under the second commandment in Exodus 20:4 graven images; occult symbols; "sigils", aka "charms" ( or as a Christian would put it, an "idol". ) In this case they are covert idols. ( Covert meaning, under the radar, sly, sneaky. ) They are snares. An idol is a false god, and a false god is something you pump your faith into. If you have more faith(energy) in something than God, then it is an idol. In the occult, a "sigil" is a symbol that represents a diety(a spirit; demon; fallen angel). So these occult symbols are very dangerous, and actually are more representative of demonic forces than constellations... ( because technically stars are representative of angels(and demons are just fallen angels so)
Although, given what I've learned about the bible, I do believe the stars in the heavens above, and the constellations, house spirits, and there is a war going on up there. ( For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual wickedness in heavenly places ) [ on earth, as it is in heaven ] . ( see this sermon: Derek Prince: Spiritual warefare in the heavens Astrology symbols are a type of covert idol, aka a graven image. They act as a charm, because they are a deception that gets you to pump your faith(a type of energy) into a source that isn't the Most High God, and that's when demonic forces are invited into your life. They feed off the energy of your faith, and fowl emotions as well. It gives the enemey access to you, and it doesn't give you any power or insight, that's just the snare to get the door open. That's how charms work, they "charm" the victim ( they seduce or deceive one into committing idolatry ).
It's actually a complex form of divination(fortune telling) that makes use of numberology(a real science[academic source]), the combination of sigils(used as charms), and a little bit of pseudo-science. The readers knowledge, combined with an educated guess system ( pythagorean numberology ), is what they are going off of when doing the reading. The numberology element gives the reader an educated guess, so to speak, and that, combined with their "hearing in the spirit"(their trained ability to hear and interpret what the spirits speak. This is how they get your "reading", not from "cosmic energies". These "cosmic energies" and forces that pagans, and the new age, and wiccans speak of, is demonic energy.
It is my belief, that there is something to the heavens up there, but we as human beings are not fully capable of understanding all of it. The bible tells us those are angels up there ( Revelation 1:20 stars=angels ), so it makes sense that the constellations house spirits, because the bible tells us we wresle against wickedness in heavenly places.. I've scientifically examined astrology from many angels, and believe there really is some type of cosmic code that can be interpreted, but as the bible puts it in Deuteronomy 29:29 The secret things belong to the Lord thy God, but those things which have been revealed to us, belong to us and our children forever. However, God knows the secret hidden meaning behind all things, and you'll never have all that information because God doesn't want you to.
Hearing in the spirit and seeing in the spirit, is an innate ability we all share. As Christians, we hear Gods voice through the spirit, and pagans do the same with familiar spirits and the enemy, they "hear in the spirit".. Pagans teach the lie that there are certain people born with psychic gifts, and that people can use crystals to develope their psychic abilities... but the truth is, real psychics are merely listening to familiar spirits. They hear what the familiar spirits speak, the same way Christians hear the voice of the Lord, by learning to hear in the spirit. It is the idols ( those demonic accursed objects, crystals, stones, symbols, astrology, etc), that invite the familiar spirits in, and then the psychic (or tarot reader, or astrologer) listens to the spirits. I gotta say it is a shame the enemy has spread demonic doctrine about crystals and gems, God really does create beautiful pieces of art. I woulnd't bring one in my home for a billion dollars though because demons make them into houses due to the charming idolic doctrine tied to them, and astrology as well.
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This is random but here is Independence Day from 1996 on the Internet Archives. I'm not sure how that is legal but it is there, and they are in a grey area of the law. Not on me but on them. I am glad that they exist and are able to provide such a service for us. Here is the url: https://archive.org/details/independence.day.-1996.1080p-dual-lat/Independence.day.1996.1080p-dual-lat.mp4