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Academic sources that tie elohim city to the oklahoma city bombing

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Scholarly sources on elohim city Oklahoma, and its connection to the Oklahoma city bombing, neo nazism, and white supremacy.

Linder, Douglas. "The Oklahoma City bombing and the trial of Timothy McVeigh." Available at SSRN 1030565 (2007).


Via: Google Scholar https://scholar.google.com

Confirmed legit via: https://library.harvard.edu/services-tools/google-scholar

Anti Defamation League


ELOHIM CITY - ADL https://www.adl.org/sites/default/files/documents/assets/pdf/combating-hate/Elohim-City.pdf Scan with virustotal.com so you can know it is safe.

Thomas, Jo. "The Third Man: A Reporter Investigates the Oklahoma City Bombing." Syracuse L. Rev. 59 (2008): 459.

Via: Google Scholar https://scholar.google.com

Confirmed legit via: https://library.harvard.edu/services-tools/google-scholar

More scholarly sources can be found on https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C44&q=elohim+city+oklahoma&oq=#, and other electronic databases as well. see also https://jstor.org

BBC DOC EXPOSES ELOHIM CITY CONNECTION TO OKLAHOMA CITY BOMBING https://vimeo.com/33567111 CONFIRMED VIA: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00795zm Please make a habit of saving url's, and backing them up with the Internet Archive Save Tool

I expose its connection with odinism as well on http://850.NEWS Odinism is basically the neo nazi movement, at its pagan roots. They are in nw Florida. That, and more, on the main page, and the new news page, along with the identifying hate symbols page

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