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On this page on 9/11, I want to be taken seriously. Therefore, I am using mainstream news stories, and actual footage from the attacks, and the live news stories related to the events of that tragic day, to back up everything I am saying here. I will also expose how a lot of online "fact checkers" are actually spewing propaganda, even if it isn't intentionally.

USE 9convert.com to download YouTube videos legally. Make use of the Internet Archives SAVE PAGE feature! that lets you archive any website, any page, instantly. This is a great tool for investigators and whistle blowers, activist, journalist, etc. Anyone who like's to expose coverup's, make use of this.

"Fact Checkers" are LYING


Here is the original clip of larry silverstein on PBS on national television admitting that building 7 was "pulled", a term used by building controlled demolitionist. and here's snopes in 2021 telling everyone that it never happened ( gaslighting ) : https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/building-7-collapse/

Backups: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-jPzAakHPpk

Some may claim this is a deep fake but that isn't true. I saw this on pbs on TV myself and plenty of other Americans saw it as well. It was on PBS many times. Gaslighting works by taking the truth that you've witnessed, and burrying it, replacing it with a lie that's repeated over and over again ( hitler did this ) Don't be gaslit!

There seems to be a lot of push back by skeptics about the building collapse being b.s., so to that I provide this evidence. Here are some news stories of authentic building collapses. Anyone can easily find them via a quick internet search for news. Google makes it very easy to find news stories ( don't suggest it for shopping or free speech, but for news yes. ) Here they are(Mainstream authoritative news sources): building collapse news story one: https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/02/us/davenport-iowa-building-collapse-friday/index.html [archived here], builing collapse news story two: https://youtu.be/kKG5f0tAuM0 [archived here], building collapse news story three: https://youtu.be/8iZ5qECte0w [archived here], and a Yahoo, and DuckDuckGo search for "news building collapse". "Pull it", is a phrase used by demolition(spell check) experts, when executing a controlled demolition(spell check). This results in the building carefully collapsing as desired, and not causing the neighboring builings or structures any problems with flying debri, etc. That's the point.! It is controlled.! An authentic collapse is not controlled, resulting is a totally different scene. I illustrate this below. Random: I suggest Qwant.com search [(Save point)]

The images illustrate how the building did NOT collapse into a cloud of its own dust like a controlled demo would. The paragraph above was inspired by this post on Gab[archived here], of someone challenging me calling out snopes the fact checker, for gaslighting(deliberate or unintentional doesn't matter).

This is an authentic collapse below.
It doesn't result in the building sinking into a cloud of its own dust, is the difference.

Archive with: 9convert.com
Youtube Video Downloader

This page is under construction and I will add to it! I will be a long and thorough page on 9/11 and I will be linking to old news articles from the early 2000's, they're still on Google! It is time to clear the smoke. I am trying to un-do brainwashing, decades of it. Pleases help me!

You would be surprised, I am seeing tons of old news stories online still from the early 2000's! That's 2000 through 2005'ish, and further on. Here is an illustration of that: https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=572530057&hl=en&gbv=2&q=news+iraq+war+haliburton The internet is important, but using discernment while using it is also critical. Don't let them burry history and then lie about it and gaslight you. If you see any, please use the waybackmachine(internet archives) to back it up! It will save the page right then and there! web.archive.org/save is that url.

Other online textual news stories from the early 2000's from mainstream sources:

Search used to find these: https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=572530057&hl=en&gbv=2&q=news+iraq+war+haliburton If you know how to search the web, you can find old news stories. A lot of these are covered up. For some reason, none of the mainstream news outlets have these specific clips in their archives.. There was clearly an attempt to cover them up. Americans however, had them on VHS tapes, and in the early 2000's anything that came from the TV and made its way to the internet, was pirated, ripped and uploaded to the web. That's how these clips made it online, and it is the only means that the truth about 9/11 is still in circulation. I was even told by news agencies that I could not upload those to my YouTube. They don't care about national security apparently, only copyright franchises or whatever. The news still isn't fake though. Let us not be extremist in our mentality. Other news stories from as far back as the 80's are in the MSM's archives, and these I have found without meaning to (stumbled upon).

  • From 2003: https://www.npr.org/2003/12/22/1559574/examining-halliburtons-sweetheart-deal-in-iraq

  • From 2004: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2004/4/28/iraq-war-boosts-halliburton-profits

  • From 2004: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2004/jul/22/iraq.usa

  • From 2013: https://www.cnn.com/2013/03/19/business/iraq-war-contractors/index.html

  • I have tons of the original live 9/11 clips on my main page at 850.news here, and feel free to download things from YouTube with 9convert.com Be a patriot! Be open-minded, and be investigative! and thorough!

    Bombs & Eplosions Reported LIVE

    URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYB8WZimGnU  9Convert.com
    Oddly enough these clips are not on the mainstream media's news archives. All of our media is on YouTube now, and they have clips from the early 2000's, but they don't have these clips. Someone removed them from the archives, yet Americans across the country(some of us), still have them on VHS. Back in the day, televised clips made it to the internet mostly through pirating, via the use of TV TUNER CARDS and the software that came with it which allowed users to record stuff from the Television, onto their computer. These are authentic live news clips on the attacks. They expose the coverup and how the story changed, and we were gaslit. Learn more on Gaslighting at scholar.google.com and jstor.org

    More Bombs & Explosions


    Entire ARCHIVE Of Live 9/11 Clips!

    Here's the channel with all of them! https://www.youtube.com/@11septembervideos ! Do your part and back them up and share them! You can download them via 9convert.com or any other YouTube Video Downloader ( search DuckDuckGo to find more of them, Google blocks them from their engine )

    Again, feel free to download things from YouTube with 9convert.com or https://yt2k.com/en4. If neither of these work, remember there are tons more. Google doesn't list them, so use DuckDuckGo or Qwant.com Be a patriot! Be open-minded, and be investigative! and thorough!

    He's into real estate huh... Lots of real estate crime going on around the country, and the 850 too...(ask Erlemnn).. Cops are involved, these cops in these groups like the proud boys, neo nazis, oath keepers..

    Below are Bush and Kerry admitting to belonging to the same "secret society", a formal way of saying "cult". JFK warned about these "secret societies" in his last speech, the last one he ever made before being murdered. Don't you think these "secret socieites" did it? Groups like proud boys, oath keepers, odin brotherhood ( neo nazis ), the kkk, are all cults, aka "secret socieites", and even the freemasons ( especially the freemasons ). They gotta go folks, legally of course. ;) FYI, the skull and crossbones symbol was used by both nazis and pirates. I talk more about that on the hate symbols page here.

    I will finish the rest of this page today, it isn't finished. All of those clips are on the main page if you look you'll find them.

    Here's the Oklahoma city ones too, why not:

    https://archive.org/details/cnn-oklahoma-city-bombing-tape-1 TONS of 9/11 clips. Praise God for the internet archives. They are truly a socialist worst nightmare. BTW, you can download all of those clips at the url linked to here in this "almost a paragraph", I'll call it.

    Oklahoma city bombing urls:
    (Original live news clips on YouTube)
    Oklahoma_city_bombing1; URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXZtKcS1ipc
    Oklahoma_city_bombing2; URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMGCixH2mOw&feature=youtu.be
    Oklahoma_city_bombing3; URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLGyO1TjhH4&feature=youtu.be
    Oklahoma_city_bombing4; URL: https://archive.org/details/cnn-oklahoma-city-bombing-tape-1

    BBC Doc Exposing Neo Nazi Connection To Bombing (backup url)

    Bush/Kerry Skull And Bones Secrety Society MSNBC Interviews urls:
    (Original live news clips on YouTube)
    Skull_and_bones1; URL: https://youtu.be/j0ojRo2W5gI
    Skull_and_bones2; URL: https://youtu.be/gwJDs1cg9Eo
    Skull_and_bones3; URL: https://youtu.be/jsz52dD1PF0; Backup1: (coming soon) (Download added soon and more!)

    Thorough page on Skull and Bones ->Here

    Trump Commenting On His Building Now Being Tallest Post 9/11 Interview
    (Original live news clips)

    Donald Trump Calls Into WWOR/UPN 9 News on 9/11 |
    URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcKlPhFIE7w |
    Backup 1 URL: https://youtu.be/4OV4g9JPqQU

    Charlottsvile https://youtu.be/FDIfPhx-Fm0

    More on http://850.news